Wednesday July 16, 2025

Meet Your Senator and Representative

The Knights and Daughters of Vartan encourage all members to register for the Knights of Vartan Advocacy Day on Wednesday, July 15, 2025, when you come to Washington DC. This is your opportunity to meet one-on-one with your Senator and/or Congressman to talk about American Armenian issues. Whether it is U.S. reaffirmation of the Armenian Genocide, a peaceful resolution to the return of Armenians to Artsakh, the persecution of Armenians in the Middle East, or simply advocating for a stronger U.S.-Armenia partnership, the Knights of Vartan will continue to play a key role in helping advance the interests of the American Armenian diaspora.

Once you’re registered, the Armenian Assembly of America will setup meetings with your two Senators and Representative. You need to arrive on Tuesday, July 15, 2025, to be ready on Wednesday. AAA will hold a briefing and training session at 8:00 AM Wednesday at the hotel. We will prepare and distribute information packets, so you know the key talking points on the current issues facing the Armenian people. We will train you, equip you, and prepare you on how to be an effective advocate on Capitol Hill and accompany you on your meetings with your representatives.

Our democracy works best when citizens are informed and active in the political process.

Join Your Fellow Brothers and Sisters

Join your fellow brothers and sisters on Capitol Hill and be a part of the leadership to strengthen U.S. interests in Armenia and increase support for Armenian issues.